When I had my first baby I loved ordering fancy diapers. As our family grew and our kids grew (and grew and grew and grew)…timing diaper deliveries in day and night diapers in various sizes- plus wipes and then pull ups- became impossible and expensive. I either had too many in a size we outgrew and had to give them away or I was about to run out and I couldn’t get them shipped fast enough. Did mention that fancy diapers leak more? Truth. It was around then that I turned to the Costco Diaper aisle.
It is so much easier to walk in, grab the diapers I need…and have them starting that second. If you’ve wondered this too but haven’t explored the diaper options at Costco- there are A LOT! And heads up…they are great!
Inventory and pricing can vary a little store to store but generally speaking the diaper selection is virtually the same at all stores. In no particular order…here are your Costco diaper options, quantities vary slightly by size:
Honest Company Diapers — $25/box available in sizes 3-5
Example quantiity: Size 4 is 120 Count
Huggies Little Snugglers — $38/box available in size 1 and 2
Example quantity: Size 2 is 174 Count
Costco’s Kirkland Brand Supreme Diapers — $39/box for sizes 3-6, smaller sizes slightly cheaper.
Example quantity: Size 6 is 120 Count
Pull Ups in boys and girls styles — $35/box
Example quantity: Size 4t-5t is 102 count.
Moving on to wipes…because without wipes…
Huggies Natural Care ($25)
18 packs of wipes, for a total of 1152 wipes
Kirkland Signature Baby Wipes ($20) (at the time of this post they are on sale for $16)
9 packs of 100 wipes, for a total of 900 wipes/box
And your diaper pail needs…
Diaper Genie Refills ($20)
4 Count
Do you shop at Costco for diapers? Which are your favorite? I’d love to hear in the comments!
PS: Costco constantly changes brands and inventory specifics…if any of these become outdated please correct/note changes in the comments so I can keep my Costco Diaper options updated! Thanks in advance!
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