Yesterday I went down a rabbit hole. You know, the same one half of social media is down…Wayfair and trafficking and overpriced cabinets. I recently read that Scott Erskine had died of Covid 19 and reading what he did really rocked me, reminding me of the crazy that is out there. I have boys not much younger than those boys were when they were kidnapped and [insert a lot of awful things]…I’ve been on edge about it this week. So when I heard child trafficking and kidnapped children – it got my attention easily, I’ll admit it. I’ve been reading the news articles about Wayfair hoping some new information will come out, but alas they mostly say the same thing. Which is to say, that they completely gloss over some pretty weird stuff.
So by now you know about the $10,000 Cabinets listed for sale on Wayfair. There were several cabinets, and each were named the last names of various missing children. Wayfair was accused of using these as a means to conduct payments for trafficking. They have subsequently been taken down off the site.
It is true that large industrial cabinets actually could cost that much. But what about the names, that’s just creepy and weird isn’t it? According to Fox News, Wayfair’s response was as follows…which addresses the pricing and acknowledges the need to re-name but entirely glossed over original naming pattern:
Recognizing that the photos and descriptions provided by the supplier did not adequately explain the high price point, we have temporarily removed the products from site to rename them and to provide a more in-depth description and photos that accurately depict the product to clarify the price point.
Frechette, Wayfair Spokesperson (quote according to Fox News aritcle linked above)
The basic conclusion is that it’s just conspiracy theory. Snopes concluded “False” based on:
The claim that Wayfair is trafficking children is based almost entirely on one person’s confusion over an expensive cabinet.
Dan Evon, Snopes Reporter
Ok so at this point, that’s what is being reported by the masses but humor me and come with me down the rabbit hole for five minutes.
Wayfair Scandal Based on Multiple Products
While it all started on Reddit about a series of cabinets…in the last day, numerous products surfaced that follow the same pattern of missing child naming and 5 figure pricing. I came across this on Twitter. This is important because most news sources only reported the cabinets, which theoretically could cost that much…but below you’ll see images with pillows. Pillows that are, like the cabinets, identical but named various names of missing kids and listed separately. You can go deeeeeep down the rabbit hole on more “weird” findings in images from Wayfair, but for now lets just stick to the product naming pattern of duplicate products, priced excessively. Now it is just weird, right?
Wayfair Sets Product Pricing
When I started writing this post, I assumed that Wayfair worked similarly to eBay and Amazon, where sellers manage their listings and set prices. But based on their “Sell On Wayfair” page – I found otherwise. It appears that Wayfair sets the pricing of the products on their site.

…we pay our partners the wholesale cost of their items, and we set the retail price.
Wayfair, How to Sell on Wayfair
Wayfair has yet to comment on their naming or their pricing. I don’t know about trafficking, but something is going on here.
Update to this Post: Wayfair Owns WFX, Utility Trademark
I will note, it was pointed out that a number of the kids names that were on some of the products were children who had gone missing and but had already been found. It’s true. However it doesn’t negate the utter bizarreness of products across multiple categories being named kidnapped kids, missing or found, and priced 10x – 100x their standard retail value.
It was also pointed out that hundreds of thousands of kids go missing each year and that means a LOT of names. The pillows I personally looked up were all very unique names. It was not a case of the common first name coincidence, and does not explain the naming pattern.
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The Dark Web
The dark web is real – most of us main stream folks don’t run across it at all, hear about it much or even have a realistic idea of what it really entails. Frankly, I don’t. I suspect it is far more vast and scarier than I can even imagine. Queue Yandex. Just a whole rabbit hole, and I really don’t even know how it exactly related, but it’s all over Twitter so I took a few minutes and explored it.
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Yandex and The Wayfair Scandal Theory
Twitter references Yandex, a russian search engine, above – I’d never even heard of it before (I may live under a rock, I check my ego at the door). I too found that Wayfair codes brought up pics of children.
Now, this type of weird overpricing of odd products isn’t limited to just Wayfair. I have also seen it on Amazon and eBay. Let’s look at eBay. Take this $30,000 pillow, for example.

Then enter the product code as the Tweets above indicate. And in the image search you’ll get this:

I wondered what the images link to, you know. So I clicked through – one took me to a crypto currency transfer site (which supports some theories here), and the other one I clicked through linked to someone’s blog. As a blogger, red flags are going off everywhere for me. Many of us blogging parents have long known our social media and blog images end up all over…we accept it…but staring this in the face gave me some major cause for pause.
So I found a random shelf on wayfair that didn’t have wonky pricing, and was only a couple hundred bucks. Ran it in Yandex and got this:

I wondered if all the “codes” entered after SRC USA just lead to these types of images? I made up a number and got this:

I really don’t have a conclusion on the Yandex thing. I get all the politics around Russia, and how some may find it related – but to be honest I need to read more about the possible connection myself. At a minimum, I’ll note it’s weird and a little unsettling, especially as a blogger.
Will a Kid Ship with Wayfair’s $10,000 Cabinets?
Do I think a kidnapped kid will ship to my home in an armoire I purchase on Wayfair? Don’t be insane. No. Do I think that someone can negotiate a deal on the dark web (or wherever that is done), and then “purchase” a legit item via a high traffic retailer as a clean and tidy way transferring money? Well that seems plausible. It’s normal [for some people] to pay a furniture company tens of thousands of dollars, even hundreds of thousands…furniture can legit be expensive so clearing fund transfers through open and clean retail channels would enable money to move around without necessarily red flagging the IRS or AML (anti-money laundering) or whoever else is supposed to be on top of this.
In theory, this could work on eBay or Amazon. Now, the Wayfair site says they set pricing and collect payment, so the elephant in the room is – were there transactions in any of these listings? How long were they actually up? Does the Company know who was responsible for the writing the listings? Was it one person, a group of employees, or all random?
I don’t know what to think here…it’s one thing when we can blame some random seller/front for doing this, but in this case it appears it is Wayfair corporate that is setting up product listings, prices and clearing the funds. Now if I’m wrong, please let me know…because I think this is a key fact in their level of responsibility and the consumer’s right to an explanation.
So is there a Wayfair trafficking conspiracy? I honestly have no idea. But were there product listing patterns using missing kids’ names with very oddly high values created by Wayfair? Yes. Is that weird? Obviously. Were there transactions in those items? We don’t know. Was Wayfair hacked? We don’t know. Has Wayfar addressed it explained it sufficiently? Not even close. But I’m standing by.

My bottom line takeaway: The names of the excessively priced pillows and cabinets remains a weird, unexplained, unaddressed issue and is worth continuing to monitor. We need to know if there were actual transactions in those products. Minimally, Wayfair owes the families of the kidnapped children a public apology and explanation of how this happened. At this point, I don’t think we can entirely shut down the theory that these product names and prices mean something more, though I don’t think we can yet say exactly what. I require more information to draw formal conclusions.
I will say this, if there’s one thing I know 100% for sure – it’s that I’m going to be seeing some WEIRD ads for the next few months based on my recent searches and browsing, LOL!
Thoughts? Do you think the whole thing is insane and made-up? Do you think the naming was random or planted or what other ideas would explain it?? There are lots of possible outcomes here, would love to know what you’re thinking! Please vote in the poll!
Update to this Post: Wayfair Owns WFX, Utility Trademark
Read Next: Will Closing Schools Mean More Child Abuse?
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This is all QAnon. I went into an Amazon post they’re pushing and all the red flags were there. Bad description, brand new seller with 0 information on themselves, and this whole thing is just poorly operated. What I believe they’re trying to do is use this as a deflection for Trump. If you go on social media, you’ll see all the videos posted earliest came from QAnon accounts. They want the left to push back that it’s a conspiracy theory and in turn, they will call them pedos and supporters of child traffickers. It’s just stupid and messy and makes everything worse.
The fact it’s Qanon in basis says a lot.
When I first looked into YANDEX immediately you see it is a Russian search engine 90% located in Russia.
It is the 4th most popular website in Russia. To be that big you have to be deeply embedded with the Russian government aka Putin.
Major red flags. Connect that with the Q Anon Trump deflection theory and it makes even more sense.
Your point would have been valid if Wayfair wasn’t the one doing the pricing. What you are trying to say is that there are no children being trafficked online. You don’t seriously believe that now do you?
I’m sure some of these underground websites on the dark web are doing that shit but to believe this shit without serious fact checking and vetting is just plain IGNORANT and beyond careless!,
So instead just turn a blind eye instead of seeking out potential leads to stop sex trafficking of children? Plain IGNORANT and beyond careless!!!
Whether a rabbit hole, QAnon, etc. or just my curiosity — I checked quickly on Google (how many missing children in US by year) and instantly got this authoritative statement: “According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States — that’s roughly 2,000 per day. ” I haven’t dug down into the details, but I DO know some bad people WILL do bad things to make money. Maybe not Snopes, maybe not Wayfair, maybe not 1000 people a day. BUT, I’m confident that — of those 2,000 kids per day — SOME of them have been victimized as described. Even ONE CHILD IS TOO MANY!!
Agreed! this makes me so very sick to my stomach. AND can we talk about how hysterical we are about the covid death toll BUT there are WAY MORE missing kids IN AMERICA than people dying from covid WORLDWIDE.
Well said!! I totally agree! So much deflection from some of the most terrible offences on innocent children.
Snopes is NOT a actual fact checker ya’ll 😤 It was a husband and wife, the husband cheated on her with a underage girl, they split up, and the girl is now “of age” that does porn and does the “fact checking”. She just gets her facts from a website that is owned by the elites that is mostly fake news so how can that be DOING RESEARCH?
Exactly!!! Snopes is a disgusting joke of a “fact checking” site.
In an attempt to legitimise themselves as a actual fact checking service Snopes has outsourced a few jobs to “legitimate” journalists etc BUT this doesnt negate the fact that they are NOT fact checkers. Who pays the fact checkers…..
There were 2-20k twin beds
Yes, I saw that! I went back to screenshot it but they had taken them down. I did get pictures of Nursery framed animal pictures selling for $30,000. A set though. They had a Mexican last name on them and oddly enough there was a child by that name that went missing some years ago
I appreciate you bringing awareness to this issue. Whatever this is, I will not be supporting Wayfair any longer with how they handled this with the public. It is all bullshit and you people that believe are gullible. One girl’s name was of a girl that drowned in a pool in 2013. Another girl posted a video stating she has not been missing nor has she ever been kidnapped. Imagine if you were a parent and someone was illegally using your child’s image to spread such stupid lies. It is evil and wrong and I would sue the original poster for this. A friend of mine had someone take a photo of her godson of the internet and claim he had been kidnapped and was missing. It has been a nightmare for them to get it removed and show that it never happened.
Just so you know snopes is funded by George Soros. And it is like 2 people in charge of the whole thing. So sorry but in my book snopes is a NO go.
Do you have a basis for this claim (Soros funding Snopes)?
do your research on “snopes” and who ownes and runs their fact checks then tell us if you really believe
I have to disagree with your comment of the story being bogus, based on the article on snopes. If you re-read that article, it tells that Wayfair May have defended the cabinet listing but never gave reason why the pillow, shower curtain was set so high as price. “When they are the one setting the price.”
I’m so sorry for your friends mishap, but can you imagine the pain of any parent with the thought that their missing child could be trafficking on a Very public site? So no matter the names of the cabinets pillows the shower curtains. There is a lot of confusion here that leans towards something illegal, if it’s children, drugs, bombs what ever the FBI needs to investigate this issue that isn’t adding up . You and I both know there isn’t a shower curtain or pillow that We have seen that cost 10g.. snopes shouldn’t dismiss either should any of this until it’s cleared legally.
I’m sure the parents of the little girl who drowned in a pool, Would support this matter to be investigated and remain a open vigilant topic, once you know the hurt of your child gone you would only pray and hope the this would open A way that if it is a child trafficking site/issue that those who are missing may be found and rescued. Along with their perpetrators brought to justice.
Snopes is bogus.
Thank you for comment, it’s true.
Anyone that trusts snopes CLEARLY has issues thinking for themselves!!!
LOL what a dumbass, how do you not understand that Snopes rating methodology is inverted from the truth? I bet you believe in Russiagate too
Lol – this is who runs snopes…
Do yourself a favor.. research snopes… hard… and see what you find… it’s not the fact checking org you’ve been led to believe it is… it’s quite the opposite
I would not rely on Snopes as a fact checker. Not saying all this information is legit, but Snopes would not be the place to go to find out. There most certainly is sex trafficking going on and absolutely children being sold online. Whether Wayfair is part of that, who knows for sure, but this all seems fishy.
I have to disagree with your comment on people who believe this being gullible. If you re-read her post, she made it clear that she does not think an actual child will show up in a cabinet you bought from Wayfair, but there are many reasons to be suspicious about this topic. I do not think we are gullible for looking into this because people are now discussing human trafficking and how common it is. Even if this whole Wayfair thing turns out to be absolutely false, it is something that is very suspicious and needs to be looked into. There are too many coincidences to brush this conspiracy off. If you do not believe this Wayfair situation, I recommend you to not think every human trafficking post is false. It is unfortunate what happened to your friend, but that is not the case every single time.
…and that is what Nazi Germany said. Sex trafficking of children has become way too big to turn a blind eye. Look at what has come out of Hollywood. Look at all the missing children all around the world. Look at the Epstein scandal. Look into the truth of PizzaGate. Listen to all the now adults who were at one time caught up in this filth. Open your eyes and be a part of the solution.
anyone that will follow snopes and believe their fact check isn’t that smart. i’d would strongly suggest to do some information digging on the lady that runs snopes and her history lol. not a reliable source what so ever, actually just an ex- fetish pornstar. LOL.
On Amazon there are oil absorbent pad for $114,000 with same box on eBay for $60. A stuffed Koala bear for $6,500 and the other same brand stuffed animals are $20. Any concern for sex, human or organ trafficking should be reported and investigated immediately. If these multi billion dollar companies have the resources to use AI to send me purchase recommendations when they hear me say something next to my Alexa, then they have the resources to monitor and squelch any association they have with these despicable crimes. Shame on them for any participation they have in this.
The oil absorbent pad listing? I didn’t find anything close to that price.
You have to go to the featured list and sort it by most expensive
Amazon is selling books, which were the books that were positioned on Wayfair’s shelves in certain pictures, for completely ridiculous prices than what they would be on eBay and other websites. The main book that is causing concern to people-myself included- is The Killing of Falun Gong for Their Organs. This book is literally about how to harvest organs for profit(from the summary o read quickly, making sure to put this in here). Go onto amazon and look up the book, and you will see that the paperback version is posted for $902a with only one copy left. These other books from that same photo shoot also say final copy: A Rose for the Virtue($853b) and A Season in Hell($935c).
After doing my own research, and the math for which organs and how much of said organs can be bought from that price, A(find the price above) can sell 10.74 feet of hair, 2.68 pints of blood, or 7.52 square feet of skin. Book B can sell 10.25 feet of hair, 2.53 pints of blood, or 7.10 square feet of skin. Book C can sell 11.13 feet of hair, 2.77 pints of blood, or 7.79 square feet of skin.
Imagine how much money is made overall from the organ trafficking alone from Amazon.
All of this needs to be stopped. Don’t let it get swept under the rug.
Ok this is very interesting. I’ve been stuck in the rabbit hole on this thing for two days now, and the books you mentioned ARE NOT the same names of the books that other people are mentioning or the names of the books that I’ve seen in the ads myself. With that, I can only draw one conclusion, that someone is driving this conspiracy theory.
Nah, I just went and found one of them… first shelf I looked at. Look up drumm corner shelf. Gives me the creeps!!!
Drumm corner bookcase
LOL they took that down as well now
I saw The Killing of Falun Gong for Their Organs book in a picture. It was weird.
Thank you for your post, ignoring something like this is unacceptable and to post anything that is political is a shame. This is not the format for that.
As women mothers and grandmothers we have and instant instinct and gut reaction to our children . Trust that always. I will not be ordering from Wayfair
I looked up those pillows and they’re under $40. Pretty sure those screenshots of pillows were photoshopped. And yeah, these kids were found, obviously are not being trafficked. People’s imaginations are just running wild and now completely making things up to fit the narrative.
Is that true? I hope so!! How can I know they were found? My experience with the news has been AWFULLY untrue in the 3 articles me or my family has been in so far. I hope that those kids were actually found and that those photos were actually photoshopped. Who wants to photoshop this kind of stuff??!
Its not photoshopped, I’ve seen it, as soon as this came to light they started deleting and changing prices, there are many recordings of it on social media, can’t photoshop video.
It’s true. They changed their prices after people brought this issue to light.
They weren’t fake but they did I remove them and changed prices last week I saw a 9k lizard cage one of the plastic ones and the others were $10 I went bck to see after this story and it was gone
I saw the pillows in real time. The baby book for $11k was odd and the baby dino prints for $30k is odd too. I’m aware of site for baby porn. I’m aware that it cheaper to kidnap kids… Get them pregnant and keep the baby to raise for baby and toddler porn. These behaviors will be normalized for the toddlers. Don’t be naive. Why else would people life Ashton Kutcher be out there trying to stop this crap?
Wow if you really think Kutcher is trying to stop this stuff. His “charity” is very similar to many of these people who can conveniently set up a “charity” or “foundation” for the supposed benefit of children but most likely for trafficking, and at the very least, money laundering.
Actually, I looked them up myself, thinking the same thing. They were real. I took my own screenshots. It’s all weird– that’s the only thing I know.
If what you say is true, that doesn’t mean there was no plan in place to kidnap those same kids that they advertised once they got a “hit” on their ad.
Oh that’s interesting! I hadn’t thought of that one!
Incorrect. I saw the pillows myself but then went back on 2 hours later and the prices were adjusted. There is something here. Don’t be so naive
I searched myself on wayfair and took screenshots. Not photoshopped! It was a comforter. Over $10k. Too wierd.
I went to Wayfair site myself and screenshot a few pictures. I never photoshopped anything
Not photoshopped. I saw one just today!
did you read the reviews? creepy
They have changed them because I saw them with my own eyes on the site
Snopes has been proven to be hacks and unreliable.
Yep, Snopes is complete BS and run by people with an agenda to obscure the facts. This has been known for many years.
Correct!!!!! Snopes is literally garbage. 0% reliable. Also, come to your own conclusion – don’t read ONE article that’s against it and take your opinion from there? Do you see the bigger picture? Gov could be paying Snopes to do that and make it look dumb and fake. Look outside the box dude.
Walmart also has some crazy online prices for things that would never cost that much. These sites definitely are used for shady business to be done.
This is crazy to even think of but imagine a world without any of this? It’s true stuff like this goes on not everything is what it’s made out to be in the world we live in we need to wake up and realize this is a possibility. There are too many sick people in this world and even more people trying to profit from it.
People need to watch the Nicolas Cage movie “8MM”… there is a huge real truth about the elites in this country & abroad. Ask yourself this, “how did Rockefeller get 8 heart transplants & live to be 106 years old?” Do u think doctors are going to put anyone on a heart transplant list for a male past 65 or 70 yrs old? Hell no! But he could afford the medical equipment, the surgery staff and the kidnapping of several people to harvest that would match his own biology. And he had the IT’s, in several fields of industry, so what’s your conclusion? It’s been going on for several decades…
Watch “8MM”, u won’t regret it..
I agree with you, it may not be what everyone is saying it is, because that’s absolutely ludacris. but no one answered questions adequately, and everything points to the more suspicious possibilities which does make everything more concerning.
Plus the entire world has gone mad, so sadly… It seems plausible.
Q last posted on July 2nd then went dark and has not posted since then for a reason. Q had indicated that an 18 day dark period was needed and that we would soon see why.
Excellent inquiry Marie mom. We’ve been doubting ourselves too long while real children are being terrorized. We acknowledge it’s happening but hesitate to take the next steps to speculate who and how.
Several months ago, I was searching for cheap, stackable chairs… the kind Walmart sells for $25 in their garden dept. I was looking for different colors, but what I saw at 2 different websites cost approx $800 and $1100 each chair. I know one site was Wayfair as I had been on their site before (and never saw these crazy prices then). I was floored. I obviously didnt click through to purchase… who would?? Well, if I were to join you in this rabbit hole, I would offer this answer: only people who know what this $1100 “chair” is would click and buy. I’m on the internet a lot and have purchased stuff from Amazon for years, and until early this year (March) I’ve never seen insane pricing like I saw (and thought, “the world is going mad.” But my thinking now is: what a perfect time for criminals to get away with it… during a pandemic when no one is looking because confusion and chaos is the order of the day AROUND THE WORLD. I’m 63 and retired… not a conspiracy person, but… this is too much for law enforcement to ignore.
Of course … the new way to traffic children in lockdown … I mean what do they do with the 460,000 reported USA children that go missing each year … sick
KAIT, Nope. I searched on Wayfair yesterday and found customizable pillows and shower curtains in the $50-100 range, which seems sort of reasonable until you started entering text to personalize the item, at which point the price jumped by exactly $9999. Also there was a button I had to click that
made me “view item in browser,” (none of the other items made me do that, or even had it as an option. Makes me think it was jumping me to a different website that LOOKED like Wayfair but wasn’t actually within their app. Several items by only a couple companies, and today they are all gone. This is not imaginary or photo shopped. Do some digging. You will find far too much evidence for any of this to be coincidental.
I found them on Friday night and took screenshots. They are now gone. If I could share the screenshots here, I would.
I wonder if the customizable part is a code that they have to type in so the people know you are legit trying to order something else too 🧐
Don’t let them fool you. It’s all a distraction for project ID2020.
Whats that?
From some of the ss I’ve seen, the price change once you add to cart and once you’ve ordered a name for the personalised pillows. This is all very strange, too strange. They are relying on everyone to call it a conspiracy theory and scoff it off to get away with whatever is going on.
This is all qAnon ridiculousness. I am a cybersecurity professional dealing mainly with doing security audits and reviews for sites like wayfair, walmart, target and others. Orders are imported from a large nightly feed from spreadsheets and other configuration files from a variety of manufactures, supply chains, and independent contractors. Mispricing is rampant. as they are often manually entered by college interns or unskilled labor before the feeds occur. The Dunning pillow for example, was designed by a well know artist (last name Dunning). While is seems shady on the surface, it is strictly coincidental, especially when dealing with tens or hundreds of thousands of items each day. As for Killing of Falun Gong for Their Organs is a documetary/ expose about the very real organ trade market in China. It was meant to shed light on the practice, not a how to book. Maybe law enforcement would have more time to investigate the real crimes being committed against children, and spend less time bothering them with conspiracy lies, kids who are actually in danger could be saved.
You’re an awful person, pretending you care. You’re a moron, who thinks because you can form a sentence, that you’re smart and opinionated enough to need to speak out. Unfortunately, you’re not smart enough to know you’re dumb. I feel sorry for anyone who might be misled by your crazy Republican conspiracies. THIS HAS BEEN DEBUNKED – look it up.
You’re just too narrow minded to believe stuff like this actually happens in the world and right under our noses. It’s people like you stuck living in the 50’s that need a wake up call. If this was such a false story then why would you waste your time searching it up, clicking on this blog and commenting? Sounds to me like there’s only one dumb person in this comment section.
How is it that these “Conspiracy theories” are always able to be “debunked” in 1-2 days by every major mainstream news organization with no investigation done, but 3 years spent pushing a “100% true” Russia collusion narrative could not turn up a single piece of concrete evidence?
Jay, can I just give you a serious round of applause? Unfortunately common sense is not so common these days.
Thank you for comment, it’s true. You are nailed.
I actually submitted a question on a baby book that I found on Wayfair listed for 11k, after I had gone down this same rabbit hole myself. I was so disturbed that I was looking at the actual baby album photo book listed for 11k…so I submitted a basic question and asked them, why is this baby album listed for 11k? This was the response I got:
“Hi Kara,
I apologize for any inconvenience. I apologize for the confusion, There seems to be a pricing error. Our prices are updated based on various factors, including current manufacturing prices, and are subject to change any time. There must have an error in the price update, but this issue has been reported.
You can purchase the Viv + Rae New Baby Albumby calling our customer service department at (844) 800-3634. Once you reach a representative, please provide the SKU VVRE5498.
Please let me know if you have any other questions—I’m more than happy to help.
Thank You,
Trisha A”
This is all just weird.
What is stranger is that I cannot find that number for their customer service department. It does pull up a name though, a persons name in search but not Wayfair. That is disturbing in and of itself.
I don’t know if this adds anything to the conversation, just something else to think about…ironically, in the past 2 months I had been shopping Wayfair, Amazon, Hone Depot, EBay, Overstock, etc for both garage cabinets and throw pillows. At the that time I did come across these suspicious items. I don’t have the mind of a conspiracy theorist yet (admittedly I have gone down the rabbit holes since covid started, a see the truth is some theories) anyway, when seeing those overpriced items, I thought that some foreign company or individual is putting these high prices on things thinking that if they can sell it that high, then why not try. Over the years, on any of those 3 party seller sites, I’ve seen this same thing on all kinds of items…lamps, jewelry, kitchenware, tools, sporting goods, etc. point being, this is nothing new.
So, that doesn’t say anything about this conspiracy, other than, whatever is going on has been going on for a long time and across ,really, all of the third party seller sites.
What happened here is one of the biggest dangers of conspiracy theorists. Because this was brought and spread by social media, instead of taken to the proper authorities, the trail that could’ve led to missing children, is now dead. I pray that this will be investigated, however, because Q followers have gone so far off the rail, theorizing absolutely everything, I’m afraid this very suspicious happening will be ignored by the authorities….then of course, that will become a part of the conspiracy theory.
That is the smartest point I have seen so far. And why aren’t we seeing that the issue is being investigated?
It seems Wayfair was caught selling furniture, beds I believe, to detention facilities. Could these have been the facilities holding the children separated from their parents at the border?
Good for you. I agree, they haven’t answered the questions with enough details. The Caitlynne sofa is still on the Wayfair site regularly priced $42,243.00, but currently on sale for $26,599.99. The brand is Latitude Run. That brand is priced in the low thousands everywhere else, and doesn’t seem to follow that naming scheme elsewhere. It’s very odd. This makes me sick to my stomach.
I just looked it up and its still there. Creepy!
It doesn’t make any sense what they are saying about industrial grade cabinets either.
I can understand people pay a huge amount of money for handmade, hand carved made to order or made to measure furniture items ect…
But to buy something and pay that kind of money for an item by looking at a few stock photos on Wayfair or Amazon…that’s just absurd.
It’s clearly at the very least a money laundering front for something illegal.
The fact that a billion dollars worth of international leftist propaganda media (100% of which align with the left) have all simultaneously decided that they needed to “debunk” a Reddit post is far more suspicious than some Plebbitors Plebbiting.
The fact they all conveniently then try to hand wave Pizzagate away using this as some sort of evidence is even more telling.
And Epstein was just a suicide. A judge ordering evidence physically destroyed instead of just inadmissible is very common, goyim.
They’re raping kids. Be sure to bring you pizza related map to the next pool party. Obama is bringing hot dogs. Goes great with walnut sauce. Remember, we don’t even have a basement. We store tomatoes in the basement.
This. So much this. Shocking that people will make whatever rationalization necessary to protect the supposed integrity of MSM outlets.
Regardless of politics, there is clearly a coverup going on here for some real shady stuff.
I’ve seen this many times on Amazon and Ebay. I feel like some pricing/reviews are done for fun, like the giant gummy bear and the $30k kids play house. Many items on Amazon are not sold by them so they do not set the prices. I almost purchased a $2k toy for my son for Christmas, not realizing the price for a normal toy sold elsewhere. There is tons of price gauging, especially during the holidays. No doubt trafficking could happen directly through listings and someone would chalk it up to an error in pricing.
Watch doco pedogate 2020 …. shocking
This is crazy to even think of but imagine a world without any of this? It’s true stuff like this goes on not everything is what it’s made out to be in the world we live in we need to wake up and realize this is a possibility. There are too many sick people in this world and even more people trying to profit from it.
I’m not an expert in any matter, and candidly I have only done about an hour of research. But it seems reasonable that this could be happening in plain sight on these third party websites. The arguments about whether Wayfair participated are compelling, and certainly if these allegations are untrue you’d think there response would be clear. Their PR statement is strange and I my gut reaction is something strange is going on at that place. Child trafficking is happening on the web, and this could make a lot of sense. If not this, it leaves you to wonder who and where these criminals are operating? If the companies aren’t involved Is love to hear a comprehensive explanation everything that happened this weekend. Regardless, I hope we keep stepping in the right direction to end these horrific activities.
I think what you have to say about this subject is very balanced and pretty much along the lines of how I see it – It’s definitely VERY STRANGE. People that just want to tell us to “Look away- nothing to see here” make me even more suspicious and now I definitely don’t trust Snopes!! And I won’t be purchasing anything from Wayfair -this is just TOO weird.
The weirdest part about it is the way random household items are named with peoples names; how do you name industrial cabinets with a girls names. I have a screenshot of Wayfairs Nursery framed animal pictures, labeled with a persons name, selling for $30,000. For a set of 4 pictures. The same kind of set you can buy at Target for $35. ⁉️
I find it interesting that the amounts of money associated with some of these listings/items are high enough that they would be reported to the US government on transfer to or from accounts in the United States. fwiw….
I’m def on board that something strange is going on. I would understand if they allowed third party sellers and they were ratcheting up pricing to keep their spot in the algorithm if low on stock, but these are all Wayfair brands anyway. Other suspect items….with the zodiac pillows named after different missing kids, it only went up to $10K once you personalized it. Easy way to give the buyer a string of code so they know the child goes to the intended recipient. Furthermore, the exact same pillow had different skus. I thought maybe one was Gemini, one was Sag etc, but no…you select zodiac sign and then personalize the pillow. I used to build out inventory systems and it makes no sense why the same item would have different names and so many different skus. Ditto for the cabinets. To eliminate bias, I searched my name + wayfair as well as several of my friends’ names. I also did that with my name + missing person. Yes, I came up w a Wayfair item that had my last name as well as for all of my friends. Yes there were missing people with my last name as well as all of my friends. The difference is twofold: none of these were recently missing people and none of the items I found (in 20 or so searches) were priced to an extreme. My theory is that whoever coded the product algorithm for their black market purchases has item names pulled from the Missing Persons Database. I don’t think it’s *actually* that missing person getting shipped, rather a tongue-in-cheek sourcing of nomenclature. As for people arguing why this wouldn’t be done on the dark web….I have two arguments. One, furniture is tax deductible if purchased through an LLC aaaand rich businessmen are greedy. This also helps prop up Wayfair’s numbers. If any of the buyers are heads of publicly traded companies their financial records are under constant threat of scrutiny. What’s less fishy…thousands of dollars of industrial grade furniture or moving money to bitcoin? Lastly, I’m troubled by Wayfair’s relationship w ICE. 11 of their warehouses are within 20 minutes of ICE facilities and we know that there was a walkout due to them furnishing the camps. I’m curious if they actually had a government contract for this which is why they built facilities so close to detention centers and then someone higher up saw an opportunity….
I searched for src usa p1-1037-7 and it was shoes, not children….
I read about this all earlier today and came across a vase, a normal plain glass vase priced st $200,000!!! I emailed wayfair to ask for an explanation, they surprisingly replied to say they were looking into price and making adjustments over the next 48hrs. They’ve been busted! Subsequently the item listing was removed and all the other products the seller was selling. Very weird things going on…
Rabbit hole just got deeper. Ray Chandler (Rachel Handler)? Is listed as a CEO of wayfair and she was one of Epstein’s special friends pictured with him and BC and others as a little girl
Just to clear up one part of this, if you type in “src” with just about anything behind it, you’ll get pictures of little girls. It’s part of the html tag to load pictures. The fact that most of them are of little girls is disturbing as a different subject.
Not on the browser I am using I just typed in these same codes and they come up with very different images and zero pictures of kids. Did they change it all of the sudden?
I find it interesting that everybody is so riled up about this, while people accept the abuse of their own children. Social distancing, mandatory mask-wearing, not being able to play together. That is harmful to the mental development of children. But hardly any peep about that. Stockholm syndrome! Yes, child trafficking is a real thing, if you want to end it start in your neighborhood. CPS, orphanages, churches. But that would require to become active, so let’s all point the finger at Wayfare while we all go along with the normalization of child abuse that has been ordered by the state.
I am not into Qanon, pizza gate, etc., but I think this is real. Regarding the thing about some of the kids being found… I’m pretty sure they are also selling child p*rn this way of kids that were abducted and then found, as well as snuff films of abducted and murdered children
here’s what I found on the first two pages when ordered most-least expensive. ALL (of products with names) triangle peg boards and gas cylinder racks where the image shows the rack empty are named after children who were abducted and murdered (well one presumed murder). A few were reported to be physically and sexually tortured
lizzie 1189.99 5 year old missing & found dead gas cylinder rack (empty)
janna 899 missing baby presumed dead gas cylinder rack (empty)
jett 1029.99 thomas Jett missing & found dead 10 year old Triangle pegg board
raylee 999.99 eight-year-old Raylee Browning murder (from sexual abuse) homeschooled to hide ongoing physical and sexual abuse (based on the details it’s very likely they were making child pornography of her) Triangle pegg board
zainab 879 little girl kidnapped sexually abused & killed in pakistan (famous case there) triangle pegg board
What did you search for on the wayfair site to find these? I want to dig a little deeper into this because this is utterly distyurbing
Wayfair llc owns the trademark to wfx utility. So for wayfair to pass the buck off on its supplier, this is disingenuous. It’s not proof positive but it certainly doesn’t help wayfair’s case.
It crossed my mind that these retailers have back sites available only to certain clientele and somehow, the private site became public by (perhaps divine) accident…
This is also on Amazon, and here’s a $10k pillow on Amazon right now. I an not downplaying the sex trafficking problem but isn’t it normal for pricing discrepancies to occur?
Checkout the rugs by Brayden Studio… I get that rugs can be expensive, but the names make it weird (along with the women’s faces as a pattern for a rug..)
The missing kids whose names were used were recovered safely from what I understand.
I hope you, your family, and friends stay safe by taking the proper precuations as we enter in to confusing and troubling times as we watch a worldwide pandemic unfold with this Coronavirus.
Could there be something more deeper going on with all of this? Could we be seeing the signs of the times unfolding?
Like!! Great post.Really thank you!
My daughter when looking for her second childs baby crib saw cribs on wayfair for over $25000 she actually did click on them as she wanted to see what the difference was as they looked just like the ones she saw on Ikea’s site, what do you know when she clicked on one of them it sent her back to wayfairs home page, she tried again same thing, guess she didnt have the correct codes to get in to look at them, so yea these theorys could be true… i do beleive something is amiss and it seems very suspicious to me.
So, I just want to point out that I just went to Yandex and I typed in the same codes that you did but I didn’t use a dark web browser and it comes up with pictures of hats, guns, and other things of that nature. Absolutely zero children. I am going to use TOR next and see if these pics come up. I mean all these high priced items being named after kids and being on multiple sites is crazy, I mean why are they named after kids? I’m not a conspiracy person but man, this is beyond weird.
Interesting, I will try it again – I just used a chrome browser to run my searches – if the searches don’t pull the same pics now as they did previously that’s interesting how/why they’d change. Thanks for letting me know!
I don’t fully understand all of this to be honest. Maybe I’m being intentionally blind. However, very expensive Wayfair rugs are now back up. What does this mean?
Any updates? Did they rename the cabinets or reprice them?
I too, went down the rabbit hole when this whole thing came to a head. I saw the pillows at those crazy prices and dug around to see expensive cabinets and the super unusual names of kidnapped children.
Here we are down the track and I wondered what ever came of this scandal. I thought it all very strange and too weird to ignore. Even weirder that ‘they’ were able to ‘debunk’ the theories in less than 48 hours. I imagine an investigation would take much longer.
Anyways, I wanted to share something I found that might explain how this whole thing started. In 2019, Wayfair employees staged a walk-out to protest the fact that Wayfair had accepted a contract with the government to supply furniture for a migrant children’s detention center. Employees vehemently opposed the transaction based on the principle that no child should be locked up.
It just gave me pause that maybe, just maybe, a disgruntled insider from the company could have created this content, items for sale with names of kidnapped kids, knowing the damage it would do to the company’s reputation. Revenge.
Anyways.. just a thought. I don’t ever want something related to human trafficking to be ignored or dismissed as quickly as this was. Someone had something to hide and Wayfair would have done better to address the public instead of deflecting .